1991-1992 Yearbook

v~.~1i~1~ After 31 years of service, he's still carrying the torch. Before anyone can enjoy the warmth that radiates from a fire, he must ignite the flame. With the courage and dedication that only love can provide, he must nurture and tend the glowing embers if they are to ever flicker into the sparks that supply the protection, warmth, and light expected from a fire. Every day some person somewhere tries to kindle a flame; but rarely does an individual have the stamina to stand the heat of the blaze as well as the coolness of the ashes. In September of 1961 one energetic fighter ignited the chain of events that have resulted in 31 years of service at Harding. With an unquenchable enthusiasm for life, a witty response for difficulties, and a strong grip on the Cross, he stood beside Harding when others walked away. When faced with adversity he fought, when confronted with decisions he chose, and when selected for responsibilities he graciously accepted. Individually, the significance of his life is no greater than that of any other Christian man dedicated to serving God through humanity, but when viewed in the scope of his influence through Harding, we clearly see that his gallantry and sophistication deserve no less than all the love and respect a student body can hold for one man. Because of the example he sets and the courage with which he daily feeds the Harding fire, the Petit Jean staff, on behalf of the senior class, proudly dedicates the 1992 Petit Jean to the man who best reminds us that even though we enjoy the warmth of Harding's hearth, we didn't start the fire. Thank you, Dr. John ' 'Jack' ' Ryan.•