1991-1992 Yearbook

JAZZ BAND. 1st row (I to r ): Brian Snow, Doug Davis, Lee Fowlkes, Colby Canterbury, Carol Reeves, Jennifer Adamson , Matt Smith, Lewis Short. 2nd row: Jonathan Vest, Eric Bright, Spence Smith, John Pulley, David Senn, David White, Jonathan Sterling, Christian Suttle and Steve Bennett. CONCERT BAND. 1st row (I tor): Stuart Bennett, Rick Warpula, Anna Clements, Jeffry Rose, Nancy Bellcock, Laura Richardson. 2nd row: Melanie Hobbs, Michelle Cox, Lisa Madeley, Sherrine Henry, Teresa Amy, Amy Haw\ ins, Lyndi Grubbs, Kathy Chambers, Leah Barber, Caroline Fielder, Heather McLaughlin, Misty McDowell, Jessica Clark, Kim Ashby. .Jrd row: Vickie Richardson, Grady Howell , Steve Williams, Jill Traylor, Jenny Adamson , Debbie Hawkins, Christian Suttle, Jonathan Sterling, Stephanie Vincent, Amy Jo Smith , Robinell Randall. 4th row: Jonathan Byrd, Lyn Williams, Carol Reeves, Colby Canterbury, David Senn, Allen Nesbitt, Steve Bennett, Jeff Terwilliger, Lewis Short, John Johnson, Matt Mellor, Doug Davis. 5th row: Jennifer Brandon, Heather Ellis, Scott Shappard, Marc Metz, Desiree Rees and Jimmy Knight. THE BAND PLAYS ON. Lynn Williams uses his sousaphone to stir school spirit during a football game. The band contributed to crowd participation in victories over AIC opponents. ~ PEP BAND. 1st row (I tor) : Susan Lep- s per, Carolyn Fielder, Lyndi Grubbs, ~ Lanna Leach , Amy Hawkins, Moe )<' Owens, Carol Reeves. 2nd row: Colby g Canterbury , Ben Wiles, Jennifer gi Adamson , Vickie Richardson, Lewis ~ Short , Steve Bennett. .Jrd row: Mike ':"' Jones, Jonathan Sterling, Lynn Wil - liams, Jimmy Knight and Doug Tracy . THUNDERING HERD, JAZZ, CONCERT & PEP BANDS 75