1991-1992 Yearbook

J.E. and LE. Mabee Business Center Built 1982 Clubs Spur Professionalism Two organizations portrayed the focus of professionalism found in the School of Business. The Society of Human Resource Management and the economics team demonstrated the desire of business students to develop skills and contacts necessary to succeed in the business world. The new Human Resource Management chapter boasted the largest membership in the state. Dr. George Oliver, dean of the School of Business and co-sponsor of the club, described the catalyst for starting the new chapter, "Harding is the only school in Arkansas which provides a bachelor's degree in human resources. The department's majors had indicated an interest in such a club, but it wasn't until a state representative approached Harding and asked us to form a chapter that it came about." Oliver said, "My long-range goal is for the Harding University Society of Human Resource Management to gain the experience and credibility to beGeorge H. Oliver. M.S.A. Assistant Professor of Management and Marl<eting and Dean of the School of Business David Perkins, M.B.A. Assistant Professor of Accounting Robert H. Keely, Jr.. fd.D. Professor of Management and Associate Executive Director of American Studies Institute Marvin H. Robertson, J .D. Professor of Business Barbara Karaffa Statom. M.f:d. Associate Professor of Business Education Scott Stovall . M.B.A. Assistant Professor ofAccounting David s. Tucker. Ph.D.. C.P.A. Associate Professor of Economics and Director of the Walton Program Charles K. Walker. M.S. Associate Professor of Business and Marl<eting come a collegiate leader." The Harding economics team had already established itself as a collegiate leader after winning its sixth first place trophy at the national Students in Free Enterprise competition. The team was to compete for its seventh first place in the summer of 1992. Dr. Don Diffine, sponsor of the team, and Jason Pace, president, with VicePresident Jill Creighton formulated the team's strategies for the White County-focused economic enlightenment program. The competition determined which collegiate team best promoted free enterprise in their communities. These organizations strengthened the university's already solid School of Business. As students worked outside of the classroom, they learned to an even greater extent what they could contribute as professionals. + - Traci Gilstrap SCHOOL OF BVSINESS. 43