1991-1992 Yearbook

Is it really over, guys? Did we really finish all 320 pages? It seems like only yesterday we started; who would have thought that so soon all the planning, working and hoping would come to fruition in such a cool book? Where do I begin thanking people? Tom, you 've been an incredible encouragement to me, and without you we 'd have lost flair! To Vicki, I thank you for bringing your hairbows and polka-dots into our otherwise drab of- ~ flee! Don't forget, tall, dark, and BASS! ~ Trina, I'm grateful for your hours of ~ editing and your sweet friendship. ; Just think, you never have to walk ~ home from the office in the dark ~ again! ~ Busy, busy Amy - just say NO! I'm ~· thankful that you stayed with me - your dedication has been priceless. Leah, Leah, Leah, I love you so much!!!! What would I have done without your medusa hair flopping around during our all-nighters or your crying over your busted eggs (were they sunny-side-up or what?) . Remember, you will NEVER understand boys!!!!!! And you Oxy-Mo-Ron , Buz, you about drove me out of my tree with sorry; but I still remember you flagging me down in the library asking me if you could have this job (were you crazy or MEDUSA. Social clubs editor Leah Mangrum lists missing items during the first All -Nighter of the year. Mangrum was famous for her Mexican dances that brought in the dawn. what?). You ' ve done splendidly somehow you managed to get all those pies taken didn 't you? Nita-head, you little ditch-witch! You are SO COLD! Now that you have finished the classes section (for one more time in your life) and everyone and their dog knows that you have arrived and that you have spoken (yeah, they do!} , would you Puh-leeze take down those Rules? You are the greatest sister, roommate, and friend : in the whole world (even if you still sometimes feel like a frog!). Kristy? Could I even begin to tell you how much I appreciate you? You have served beautifully in such a difficult BURIED ALIVE. Photographer David Hickman and staffer Kevin Kee unstress themselves in the staff "ballgame." Hickman and Kee both joined the Petit Jean in the spring semester. role. I understand how tough this year has been for you - but we 've gained a lot of insight into ourselves and the lives of others. Thanks for all the fun! There 's Willy, Joey, GreenElla, Margaritaville, that incredible Michael Bolton concert, the blitz to tteber (singing on a rock was great, huh?}, and, oh yeah , Luke the Duke! You ' re simply the best (even though you did get wore out with Mariah} , and don ' t ~ forget - Wild Women Do, and we s want to be Impulsive! I still think ::I you ' re great - even though I know ?;' what you did to my blanket! ~· I» And my dear photographers - Jerry, Q thanks for the incredible sports action .g C7 shots. You took some thrilling pies, ~ and you gave me a lot of encouragement when I really needed it. David, thanks for stepping in and helping us finish up a tough job - your service was invaluable. Montgomery, if you hadn ' t shared your negs, there 'd be a lot of empty spots, dear! And , Jeffrey - you 've taught me so much about photography and people; and I am so appreciative of the thousands of hours you worked with me creating this book. When I look at these pages I will always remember you . Thanks for the memories, my dear Knight. May you successfully convert all of Africa AND get that 600mm zoom! I'll never forget Spain , Patrick, and staying up four nights in a row (ugh!) Stay in touch ; and keep up that great work in the dark! To Kay - you did it. thanks for the PEACEFUL EASY FEELING. Anissa steals a relaxing moment out at Riverside . Busy with the PJ all year, moments to herself were few and far between . vote of confidence and your willingness to hear my ideas. Things turned out okay didn ' t they? (ttey, did you ever find that stuff in Scott's drawers?) And to all the others - Archie (by the way, may I consume?), Kevin (watch that inquisitive reporter mind - especially in D. C.} , Baine-brain (what did Rod Stewart withdraw from the bank?}, and Eric (are you sure I'm the only "gorgeous" girl you know?) - never forget all the laughter and fun! Dragonbreath and Myra Lou-comingdown-the-chimney will be here next year. I will be too - NOT!!! And to those people who kept us "staffers" together - thank you. Mom and Dad, your wisdom has been invaluable. No one knows like I do the· sacrifices you ' ve made for the production of this book. Em, Ash, (KS forever!), Kirk, Lynnit:i, Girdle (thanks for the flowers and all the cokes} , and sweet Dell (What was your favorite flavor? Don ' t forget moonrises, MERCY, Mariah, and how important it is to smell good! (Yeah it is!)}, your friendships and your prayers have made the biggest difference in my life. I know I've been long-winded, but God only knows how thankful I am to be writing this to those of you who have made a mere idea a wonderful reality. I will never forget the fun , the tears, the frustration , and the laughter that created this book. You are each very STRETCHED OUT. Head photographer Jeff Cash collapses on the office floor after printing pictures all night. Cash often wore himself out working in the darkroom. special to me - take my love and go your separate ways. But when you ' re old and gray sitting in front of a campfire , chunk a stick on the blaze and as the sparks fly up into the sky , remember your college years, the fun we had , and that although we get to sit and soak up the warmth of the flames . we didn 't start the fire. + 5tnissa P. S. Now you can finally go to the dollar movie on Tuesdays! ttave fun!