HAPPY COUPLE. Dr. Benson and his wife Sallie look over the speaking program for the day's events. The Bensons were married in 1925, the same year they left to do mission work in China. FREEDOM FOR· UMS. Dr. Benson addresses a group of national busi· ness leaders dur· ing an early " Freedom Forum" on behalf of free en· terprise in America. It was held in the Industrial Arts building which was located on the present site of the Ma· bee Business building. FAMILY PORTRAIT. The Benson family poses in front of their home, which is now the Stevens Art Gallery, for an impromptu photo. Those pictured were (.3rd row [I to r}) Numa Crowder, George Crowder, (2nd row) Elaine Crowder, Ruth Crowder, Dr. Benson, Sallie Benson, Lois Benson McEven, Richard McEven and (1st row) six grandchildren.