1991-1992 Yearbook

Olen Hendrix Hall Built 1926/ Remodeled 1975 Serving Others In Progress The home economics and behavioral sciences departments stressed learning environments. These two departments sought to better Harding and its community. Though the home economics department participated in and led several conventions, the department's most active involvement was with the Head Start program of White County. Students were involved with both parents and children. They taught Head Start parents nutrition, money management, budgeting, economical food buying and discipline. Because the CAPCA Head Start parents voiced their concerns, programs on helping children to read were taught. Parents were taught how to make books and educational games. These programs complied with the department's view of its profession's philosophy of improving the quality of life for individuals and families. One of the students, Shannon Weidon, who had participated with Head Start for two years said, "The people are really eager to hear anything we have to say. I love going out to talk to them. They appreciate our coming; they listen; and they ask questions. I always walk away feeling good. They challenge me." The behavioral sciences department also served the community with its Resident of the Month program, Blue Ribbon Day for the Sunshine school, and volunteer work with social agencies such as MADD. Terry Smith, Director of Social Work, noted that students are involved with many service projects, but "a lot of them don't toot their horn." Dr. Jack Thomas felt confident with the social work program as well as with the entire department. "Our program is strong in comparison to others. I am so comfortable with the feeling that we are doing a good job. " + - Amy Johnson Sharen Crockett, M.S. 26 ACADEMICS Professor of Home Economics and Director of Child Development Lab Lynn England, M.A . Associate Professor of Home Economics Loleta Higginbotham, M.A.T. Assistant Professor of Home Economics Terri Rine , M.Ed. Instructor of Home Economics Elizabeth Wiison, Ed.D. Professor of Home Economics and Chairman of the Department