1991-1992 Yearbook

SPRING SING Not only was Spring Sing entertaining, but most participants felt the rippling anxiety of the competition! The final standings were as follows: PARTICIPATION AWARD And They Leaped lfoppily Ever After (Ju GoJu & Galaxy) THEME AWARD To Bee Or Not To Be (Ko Jo Kai & Sub T-16) MUSIC AWARD There's No Space Like lfome (Regina & Chi Sigma Alpha) COSTUME AWARD Is It A Wonderful Life? (King's Men, OEGE, Knights, Chi Alpha Rho, Shantih, Delta Chi, & Tri Delta Epsilon) CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD Is It a Wonderful Life? SWEEPSTAKES AWARD Winner - Is It A Wonderful Life? lst runner-up - To Bee Or Not To Bee 2nd runner-up - There 's No Space Like lfome 3rd runner-up - Baked Alaskans (Chi Omega Pi & Pikes) 4th runner-up - It Stinks To Be Extinct (Zeta Rho & TNT) Although every show did not receive a trophy, every participant in each performance left the stage with applause ringing in their ears and the satisfaction of having contributed to an all-round successful show. Even though the groups' efforts received the recognition, everybody knew that without the individual work of thousands of people, Spring Sing '91 would not have been. HAPPY HOBOESI It is a wonderful life for these members of the hobo cast because they are proudly displaying the sweepstakes trophy. The group also won the costume and choreography awards. • -Anissa Campbell WHERE DO BROKEN HEARTS GO? Anna touches the hearts of her audience as she sings her solo. Anna is a senior accounting major, and th is was her first year as a hostess. SPRING SING 271