SPRING e, SING Circus animals, leaping frogs, bumble bees and Eskimos were scurrying around potato heads, hobos, martians and dinosaurs on busy Spring Sing weekend. This year's .hostesses Anna Conley, Julie Svymbersky, Marisa Thomas, and Errica Walker began in the fall as did the Ensemble, the Jazz Band, and the many social clubs on campus creating and perfecting the various elements of their performances. Dr. John H. Ryan once again produced the entire show, while Dr. Robin Miller supervised the technical aspects of the program and was stage manager. Steve Holder, hostess director, personally oyersaw and designed many of the hostesses' routines while Robert Patton served as the official choreographer. These four men worked together to allow the individual shows to function. Meanwhile, dinosaurs, hobos, bumble bees, potatoes, martians, Eskimos, and frogs frantically rehearsed lyrics, polished moves, stitched costumes, and fought butterflies as they anticipated their moments on stage and their chance at the Sweepstakes. Even the hostesses were busy as they lined up their wardrobes for their splitsecond changes and warmed up their voices for their solos. But when the final curtain closed, and the last song was sung, the directors, the performers, and especially the crowd knew that once again Spring Sing was a successfully entertaining extravaganza!+ ONE VOICE. Anna, Julie, Marisa and Errica sing " One Voice" along with other cast members at the end of Saturday night 's performance. This was the first Spring Sing with all female hostesses. 268 STUDENT LIFE -Kristy Dalton IT STINKS TO BE EXTINCT! Sophomore Renee Rose and senior Wendy Ward share a special moment in Zeta Rho and TNT's Spring Sing show. The dinosaurs received second runner up for their theme.