A LITTLE CHARMING. Zach Tribble and Jessica Adams await the halftime festivities of the football game. Zach is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Tribble; Jessica is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Adams. HOMECOMING ROYALTY: Shannon Smith, freshmen representative; Ashley Cosby, senior representative; Paige Watson, queen candidate; Ashley House, queen; Jana Stegall , queen candida te; Kristy Dawdy, junior representative; and Kaci Bolls, sophomore representative. Also pictured are Zach Tribble and Jessica Adams. •.I 1 • "'C . ::r 0 0 O" '< • c... ti> =II (") QI V> -;r- ~ RUNNING FOR A TOUCHDOWN. Bison ~ footballer, Richard Holmes, tries for a $ first down during the Homecoming game. c.... Homecoming brought together family ~ and friends, as well as teachers and for- ~-;-~e•~~ Q mer students. !ii ::r ~ 265