1991-1992 Yearbook

HOMECOMING ROYALTY Ashley House was crowned the 1991 Homecoming queen during chapel on Oct. 18. Ashley is the daughter of Jim and Sue House of Searcy. She is an elementary education major and upon graduation plans to teach third or fourth grade. The other queen candidates were Jana Stegall and Paige Watson. Jana, a sophomore speech pathology major, is the daughter of Ken and Janis Stegall of Durant, Okla. Paige is the daughter of Kurt and Karen Watson of Springfield, Mo. She is an elementary education major and plans to teach kindergarten. Representing the freshmen class was Shannon Smith, an English major from Searcy. The sophomore representative was Kaci Bolls, a music major from Murray, Ky; and Kristy Dawdy, an elementary education major from Honey Grove, Tx., represented the junior class. Ashley Cosby, an English major from Shreveport, La., was the senior representative. The queen candidates were nominated by the football team and then selected by the student body. The class representatives were nominated and chosen by their peers for this honor. Ashley and her court were presented during half-time of the football game on Saturday and were escorted by their fathers.+ BREAKTHROUGH! The football team crashes through a sign before the Homecoming game. Parents, students and alumni alike attended the game on Saturday which the Bisons won 24 - 21. 264 STUDENT LIFE -Kristy Dalton QUEEN FOR A DAY. Ashley House proudly stands on the track with her parents at the football game. Ashley was crowned Homecoming Queen in chapel on Friday before reigning at the game on Saturday.