1991-1992 Yearbook

The Vision Perseveres One of the most appreciated chapel programs this fall was directed by Dr. Neale Pryor on the history of Harding. In that presentation· students and faculty were introduced to the people, like President Emeritus Dr. George S. Benson, who made Harding what it is today. Benson's health limited his participation in the Harding community this year; but, according to Pryor, in the days when Benson was president, " He was everywhere on campus." Dr. David Burks commented on Benson's "vision." He said, "He was ahead of his time. Harding University would not exist in the same form without him." Benson's mission, as chronicled in John Steven's book Before Any Were Willing/ was carried on by Ors. Ganus and Burks as guided by the Development Council and Board of Trustees. Both groups met bi-annually to advise the president of the work to be done. The Development Council's area of concern was primarily academic affairs as they worked with the different departments in the 91-92 school year. These men and women strove to lead Harding in the same professional way they lead their own lives. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Members of the Board included George 5 . Benson; James H. Cone, Chairman; David B. Burks; Deanna H. Smith; Olen Hendrix; John D. Baldwin; Houston T. Ezell; Dan E. Russell ; Louis E. Green; Jim Bill Mclnteer, Secretary; Donald L. Shores; John 0 . Simmons; Paul Carter; Harry Risinger; James R. Burcham, Treasurer; Pat Bell; David P. Burton; Richard H. Gibson; Dallas H. Harris; and Roy H. Sawyer, Jr. l 4 ACADEMICS The Board of Trustees focused their efforts on two areas concerning Harding's future: the graduate school in Memphis and the possibility of a junior college in Florida. The graduate school was under study for two years, during which Board members were focused on increasing the school's effectiveness and the possibility of future expansion. A study on the feasibility of opening a branch campus in Florida continues. Florida, as one of the fastest growing states, was determined as a site where Christian education, if properly conceived and funded, could benefit many. Benson had many hopes and dreams for Harding during his years as president, and his spirit lives on through the dedication and service provided by the members of the Development Council and the Board of Trustees. These Christian men and women worked together to keep Harding moving forward, while still upholding the tradition of excellence and spirituality precedented by Benson and Harding's other esteemed fore-fathers. + - Amy Johnson