1991-1992 Yearbook

(jetting to 1(now One 5lnother ' 'Getting to know one another" was the focus of the 1992 senior class, according to David Bell, class president, from Pensacola, Fla. He said that the emphasis for the 1992 senior class was to go beyond social clubs and current groups of friends in order to get to know one another in the class. A senior retreat was · planned at Camp Wyldewood where seniors could get together and have an opportunity to share their plans for the future. A seasoned alumni and a recent graduate were invited to speak about what to expect in the working world. SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS. Vice President Craig Lair, Secretary-Treasurer Todd Hook, and President David Bell represented the senior class. ject was not made until late in the year, plans for a timely gift to Harding on behalf of the class were in the making. Bell said he hoped that the project would be a monetary gift for one year. Seniors offering a gift came from the graduating class in May, August or December, 1992. Bell indicated that if the gift was given all in one year, it would be easier for the pledges to meet their goal. Five-year pledges in the past have been received about 30 percent of the time, he said. Darren Bonham, graduate assistant with the Alumni Office, was the faculty advisor for the senior class. Senior week was held April 20-22. This year, senior week was held on Adam Wesley Adams · Little Rock, AR. Chemistry. Charles Nathan Adams. Jr. · Readyville. TN . English/ Vocational Ministry. Chi Sigs. Alpha Chi . Alpha Psi , Campus Ministry. Campus Players. Dean 's List. French Club, Kappa Delta Pi , Pied Pipers. Sigma Tau Delta . SA, Student Impact. Univ. Chorus. VISA. Who 's Who. James David Adams · Ontario. Canada. Biology. Allisha Kay Alderson · Hughes Springs. TX. Special/ Elem. Ed. Shantih , Campus Ministry, Dean 's List. Kappa Delta Pi , TEACH . Kristin L. Alexander · Eustis. FL. Home Economics/ Child Development. Stacey Ann Alexander · Searcy, AR. Communication Disorders. Ju Go Ju, Sub T· 16 Queen , Dean 's List. SSHA . Maria A. Alfaro · Leon . Nicaragua . Marketing. Ka Re Ta , Alpha Chi , Alpha Mu , AMA , American Studies. Dean 's List. Delta Mu . National's Dean 's List. Who 's Who.' Luis Fernando Allen · Central America . Economics. Robert Joseph Allen · Huntington Beach , CA . Biblical languages/ Spanish Education. TNT, Alpha Chi , American Studies. Dean 's List. Kappa Delta Pi , Spanish Club, Student Impact. Timothy Club. William Kevin Allen · Ely ria . OH. Management. 170 CLASSES three days instead of a full week as in the past. Representatives of the senior class addressed the student body the week before senior week began. Although the decision for a class proCarmelita Bandy, the vice president for the senior class, had to move to Houston during the school year, so plans were to select a working committee from the senior class to work with Bell on the project.+ - Cindy Drumheller