1991-1992 Yearbook

Leaders Bring Continuity The world has seen inany changes in the past 26 years, but Harding University remains much the same. Much of the continuity can be attributed to its leadership, exemplified by Chancellor Clifton L. Ganus and President David Burks. Dr. Burks led Harding students as Student Association president in 1965. Now he leads Harding in its entirety, faculty as well as students, financially as well as socially. Burks said the most challenging part of being president was " maintaining relationships in a diverse community." He had to deal with alumni, students, and faculty, and noted that such a large community will not always agree. "Keeping balance and unity in achieving our mission always has been and will be the most difficult part of the president'sjob - not fund-raising, not student recruitment, not academics." Dr. David Burks 12 ACADEMICS Dr. Clifton Ganus, former president of the university and now chancellor, was familiar with the "people" aspect of administration. Much of his responsibilities involved communicating with friends of Harding. He worked in recruiting for the Walton program, in fund-raising, and public relations, speaking and representing Harding. Ganus said, "The president or chancellor is Harding and to some extent the faculty; we represent the school. " Ganus expressed his love for people when asked what he would like to have remembered as his greatest contribution to Harding. He said, 'Tm the one that's been blessed in my association with thousands of people all working together in advancing Harding University and the cause of Christ. Our greatest good can be Educating for Eternity, to grow as Jesus did. It's our reason for existence."+ - Amy Johnson FAVORITE SONGLEADER. Terry Davis visits with one of his fans, Dr. Burks, at Open House. Burks visited with the students as they spent the morning learning about the women ' s social clubs on campus.