1990-1991 Yearbook

·J Coming Together Students And Faculty Come Together Where could students take a 35 minute break from the day to escape the thoughts of tests, homework, and deadlines? Chapel, of course. For most, chapel seemed to be one of the highlights of the day. Not only was it a time for students and faculty to worship toiether, but chapel also turned out to be very entertaining at time~. Sttidents never knew what to expect when they sat down in their reserved chapel seats. Presentations and slide shows, singing groups and guest speakers were some of the surprises that the student body experienced. Chapel was also a great information center. Announcements were made to keep everyone on track of events that went on during the school year. Students were also able to keep in touch with the military in Saudi Arabia with the occasional readings of letters by S.A. President, Susan Vaughn. The feeling about chapel was summed up by sophomore Heather Oliver, "I really enjoyed chapel because it was the only time when the whole student body could come together as one. It was also exciting to know that every mind was centered on the same thought - worshipping the Lord. Chapel was also a great time to see everyone you normally would not be able to see." Chapel also was a chance for students and faculty to get a sneak preview of performances such as the homecoming musical "My Fair Lady " and "Christmas Wishes" the Christmas musical that was student written and produced. Among the American Studies speakers Bill Cox, and Dr. Robert Jones were two who inspired students during chapel with their wisdom in designated subject areas. Even though most students chose to take their allotted ten chapel skips, the University did what they could to make chapel a little more interesting every day. By Shelli Mussleman CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IN CHAPEL. The Harding University singers perform in chapel. Many of Harding's singing groups had the opportunity to perform in chapel for their peers and teachers. LOVE IN ANY LANGUAGE. Belles and Beaux perform the song, "Love in Any Language". Their performance in chapel also included a humorous number that starred Fred Jewell. Chapel 27