1990-1991 Yearbook

- Jill Valentine-Housing Scott Valentine -Admissions Advisor Sheila Vance -Custodian Stev ie Vickery -Postal Clerk Wayne Vickery -Campus Maintenance Ve rnon Walls -Cabinet Marker Gary Ward -Paint Supervisor Ge ne Ward -Computer Technician Larry Ward-Painter Zearl Watson-Director of Student Financial Services Pansy Well s -Financial Aid Assistant Peggy Westbrook-Custodian David White-Plumber Jim White-Di rector of Admissi on Services TAKING A BREAK. Rosemary Wilson takes a short break from her duties in the Admissions office. Wilson served as the Assistant to The Director of Admissions Services. Mike Williams -Associate Director of Admi ssion Services Da v id Woodroof-Director of the Media Cente1 Ann Wright -Secreta ry, Unive rsity Relations Phy lli s s Wright -Administrative Ass istant. Physical Plant Engineer Juli e Wy att -Accounts Payable Clerk R ichard Yae ge r -Security Be rnard Young-Campus Maintenance Pat Young-Ass istant to th e Vice President of Finance Staff 267