1990-1991 Yearbook

Carla Kearbey -Controller Helen Kearbey -Bookkeepe r Don Kee -University Attorney, Director of Estate Planning Carol Kell-Offi ce Manager, College of Bible and Religion Alice Ann Kellar -Assistant Director of Public Relations Jean Kelly -Secretary, Graduate Studies Allen King-Carpenter Russell King-Mechanic and Operator Adrian Knight -Systems Analyst Susan Knight -Adjunct Instructor of Art Penny Lester-Cashie r Dawn Lowe -Secretary, Department of Commu ni cations Joni Mackey-Counselor Barbara Martin-Receptionist, Student Affairs Freda Martin-Accounts Receivable Clerk Harold Martin-Welder Joetta Martin-Receptionist, Financial Aid Assistant Steve Ml\rtin-Assistant Director of Media Service Tod Martin -Assistant to Dean, Schoo l of Nursing Thelma Mason-Secreta ry, Regi strar 's Office Jo Mathis-Financial Aid Ass istant Phillip McCarroll -Painter Clarence McDaniel -Manager Durward McGaha -Di rector, Career Planning and Placement Rowan McLeod-Assistant Director, Development Denise Miller -Director, Coope rative Education Leroy Miller-Director, Mic ro Computer Equipment Wayne Milner-Assistant Registrar Chris Mize-Campus Maintenance Sue Moore-Secretary to Vice -President of Student Affairs Scott Morris -Publications Writer ane Musick-Associate Director of Student Financial Services "Sarge" Napier -Custodian, Area Coord inato r, Athletic Center Ann Neal -Secretary of Periodicals, Library Barbara Newsom-Secreta ry, Legal Affairs Lottie Nichols -Mail Order Suppli er Molly Noble -Accoun ts Receivable Clerk Sam Noble -Carpente r Joy Oliver -Sec retary, Behavioral Sciences Harvey Ollis-Locksmith Clyde Owen-Director of Building Services Edwina Pace-Executive Secretary to Chancellor Bobby Parks-Assistant Di rector of HSBS Marty Pasley -Ca rpenter Opal Pasley -Postal Clerk Christy Perkins -Sec reta ry/ Receptionist, Personnel Joe Pike -Carpenter Lorene Poindexter-Post Office Cle rk Charles Pool -Equipment Ope rato r Nancy Pool -Custodian, Armstrong Rabon Price-Painter Charlene Prock -Personnel Assistant Robin Pruitt -Secretary, Admissions Arnold Pylkas-ASI Conference Coordinato r Donna Reeves -Secretary for the Executive Vice - President Guilford Rice -Transportation Officer Staff 265