1990-1991 Yearbook

Denise Edwards-Student Payroll Clerk Tish Elrod-Accounts Receivable Clerk Roger Evans-Plumbe r W.C. Evatt -Electrical Foreman Clint Fason-Ca rpenter Johnny Ferguson-Di rector of Grounds Beautification Judy Ferguson-Accounting Clerk HARD AT WORK. Leslie Downs, Director of Photographic Services, works at his desk. Downs was head photographer and photo coordinator for the school. Ron Finley -Registrar Lora Fleener-Telecommunications Officer He len Floyd -Secretary. Walton Program Sharon Fornelli -Mail Order Clerk Syble Fritts -Custodian . Student Center Butch Gardner -Dean of Students Rachel Gibbs -Secretary, Gove rnment Documents. Library Manl y Gilpin -Operator Judith Glenn -Health Center. Nurse Vera Goforth -Custodian Lynda Goldman -Assi stant Director of Student Financial Service Kay Gowen -Dean of Women C.J . Gray -Carpenter Mary Groves-Sec reta ry. Dean of Colle!{e of Arts and Sciences Staff 263