Louise Bradford, Ed.D.- Professor of Nursing Da'Lynn Clayton, M.S.- Assistant Professor of Nursing Charlotte Gibson, M.S. - Associate Professor of Nu rsing Mike Justus, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.- Adjunct Professor of Nu rsing Tawna Pounders, M.N.S.C.- Instructor of Nursing Cathleen M. Shultz, Ph.D.- Professor of Nursing, Dean of the School of Nu rsing Sam Shultz, M.D., F.A.A.P.- Adjunct Professor of Nursing JoAnn Smith, M.N.-Ass istant Professor of Nursi ng HOW ARE THEY DOING? JoAnn Smith, nursing instructor, confers with her student regarding a patient. All upperclass nursing students were required to spend time at area hospitals as part of their training. ASSISTANCE. Helen Lambert, Associate Dean of the School of Nursing, assists a student. Facu.lty members took an active part in the student's learning process. School Of Nursing 259