1990-1991 Yearbook

CONGRATULATIONS. Louise Bradford, professor of nursing, presents Debbie Shoemaker with an award. The nursing department chose one day during the year where scholarships and awards were given to qualifying students. School of Nursing Nursing Program Continues to Improve Once again, the School of Nursing was not only involved with normal school activities, they also continued their service to the Searcy community by informing them with their Rape Prevention Seminars. The seminar classes were held by the nursing students in an effort to advise women of the necessary safety precautions they can take to guard themselves against all forms of rape, focusing mainly on date rape. These seminars were performed to heighten the awareness of all the people in this community. Following up on the grants they received last year, the School of Nursing purchased supplies for the department. The majority of the equipment was very complicated. "It is not like going out and buying Band Aids," said Cathleen Shultz, Dean of the School of Nursing. The department also worked on their elevator fund, because it proved to be a great task trying to get heavy equipment up three flights of stairs. Unpleasant news that was received by the Nursing Department was the cancellation of their mission trip to Nigeria. The trip was cancelled as a result of the war that was taking place in the Middle East. There were two new members of the faculty added this year, Cecelia Sanders and Lamonda Slape. Both were Harding graduates. A new group of Clinical Associates was added and their main goal was to help in laboratory work. Also, Helen Lambert finished her doctorate at the University of Arkansas this year. by Tammy Smith WE PRESENT YOU WITH THIS. Lisa Shappard, senior nursing student, presents Dr. Burks with a commemorative mug and pin on behalf of the School of Nursing. May 6, 1990, was chosen as National Nurses Day. 258 Guided Impressions II