1990-1991 Yearbook

DIST INGUISHED HONOR. Dr. Bobby Coker presents t he Distinguished Alumnus Award to Benny Gooden. Dr. Coker served as t he dean of t he School of Education. School of Education Teachers Prepare Teachers "They caught on quickly to what teaching is all about," said Dr. Jeanine Peck about this year's graduating education majors. Peck, who earned her doctorate in December, taught courses in special and elementary education. But, who could really define what teaching is all about ? Anyone who was ever a student can remember a favorite teacher. Was it the second grade teacher who actually played kickball on the playground? Was it the high school history teacher who sat in the student section at the football games? Was it the college professor who not only teaches the open-door policy in his classroom but practices it in his living room? Whomever the teacher, whatever the situation, the favorite teachers were those who gave themselves to their students. Peck complimented her students by saying, "They're not only knowledgeable in their field but there are many students who are very caring. They have the motivation to really make a difference in children's lives." Angie Stipp, a senior elementary education major, was excited about her student teaching experience and praised her preparation by the faculty. Perhaps the worthwhile instruction given to these future teachers was well-received because of the family atmosphere within the School of Education. Stipp said, "Students were close to each other and to the teachers. From the dean right down to the newest graduate assistant - instructors were willing to help you do anything to become the greatest teacher you can be." With much promise these academic professionals will prove themselves by affecting many children (maybe even yours) in coming years. by Susan Vaughn ED PSYCHO. Dr. Wyatt Jones teaches one of his educational psychology classes. His pet name for the course was "ed psycho." School Of Education 25 7