TALKING THINGS OVER. Dr. Wade Bedwell, Dr. Tony Finley and Dr. Neale Pryor discuss curriculum at Camp Tahkodah. Each year the faculty has a retreat at the camp. DUAL DUTIES. Dr. Jerome Barnes looks over a student file. Dr. Barnes not only was dean of students but also a professor in the School of Education. 256 Guided Impressions Jenene Alexander-M.S., Counselor/ Advisor/Diagnostician Jerome ff_ Barnes-Ed.D., Vice - P resident of Student Affai rs Wade Bedwell -Ph.D., Professor of Ed ucat ion, Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education Mary Binkley-M.L.I.S., Ci rculation Libra ry Bobby Coker-Ed .D., P rofessor of Education , Dean of School of Education Maribeth Downing-Ph .D., Associate P rofessor of Edu - ca tion Lewis "Tony" Finley-Ed .D., Associate Professor of Educat ion Wy att Jones -Ed .D., Professor of Education, Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Dean School of Education K im McLarty -Ed .D., Associ ate P rofessor of Ed ucation Jan Morgan-M.S., Associate Professor of Speech Education Jim Nichols -Ed .D., Professor of Education , Director ol Fie ld Expe rience Gordon Sutherlin-Ed .D., Associate P rofessor of Ed ucation Betty Watson-M.A., P rofessor of Elementary Education