1990-1991 Yearbook

Jerome Barnes Vice President for Student Affairs James W. Carr Executive Vice President for Educational Services C. Floyd Daniel Vice President for Academic Affairs Neale T . Pryor Vice President for Academic Affairs Lott R. Tucker, Jr. Vice President for Finance - Vice-Presidents Supervise Campus Activities Holding the position of Executive Vice-President was Dr. James W. Carr, whose responsibilities increased since his coming to Harding in 1988. Carr worked closely with the Admissions Office, but he also oversaw the offices of Career Planning and Placement, Testing and Research, Continuing Education, Financial Aid and the Physical Plant. Furthermore, he was involved in dorm remodeling and the completion of the new Brackett Library and held the position of Executive director of the American Studies Institute. This year was Dr. Neale Pryor's eighth year serving as Vice President for Academic Affairs. He joined the Harding faculty as a Bible professor in 1962 and has since become an invalu230 Guided Impressions able asset to the University. Some of his academic functions include overseeing the Registrar's Office and the Library. He also assisted the Deans in course and curriculum decisions and taught in the School of Bible and Religion. Approaching his 21st year as VicePresident for Finance, was Lott R. Tucker. Prior to his appointment in 1970, Tucker worked as Business Office Manager and in 1957 was named Business Manager. Tucker's responsibilities to the University included record keeping, auxiliary enterprises and investments. He also served as chairman of the University's one million dollar fund raising drive in Searcy. Serving as Vice President for Student Affairs was Dr. Jerome Barnes. Before being named to this position, Barnes had been a faculty memher and also managed three men's dorms. He was appointed to the position of Student Association Advisor in 1973 and became Dean of Campus Life in 1987. Barnes supervised the Counseling Center, the Health Center and the Housing Office. He also monitored social club activities and prepared the student handbook. C. Floyd Daniel served as Vice President for University Relations. The offices of Development, Public Relations and Alumni all fell under his guidance and supervision. He was chairman of the Christian Service Committee and was a fund raising consultant for Children's Homes Inc., in Paragould. by Jayne Lipford