Something to Brag About The soccer team had a successful season. Team members agreed that the season's highlight was the game against University of Arkansas-Fayetville. Every year they looked forward to playing the Razorbacks. As usual, they beat U of A. The score was 4-1. Cesar Angulo said, "I look forward to playing them because they are so fun to beat." Searcy Steel was a self-sponsored team. They were responsible for transportation and uniforms although Harding did provide a van for some tournaments such as the one in Arkadelphia, AR. This game was an . indoor soccer tournament, and the players consisted of the top 10 outdoor players on Searcy Steel. They were undefeated, winning first place at the tournament. Sophomore Richie Ross said the team really pulled together PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Richie Ross practices kicking the ball. Soccer was a sport that required lots of fast foot work. Photo by Jim Schiefelbein. 216 Rival Impressions this year. "I really feel that this year's Searcy Steel is a bunch of hard driven, self-motivated guys that get their determination from the heart," said Richie. The outdoor soccer team was made up of about 20-25 Harding University students. There was an extraordinary amount of talent displayed on Saturday afternoons. These guys knew the game and represented Harding well as they traveled around showcasing their ability. The yearbook called them "Searcy Steel," but the players and fans called them "the Harding Soccer team." When they arrived at a tournament the opponents didn't say, "Oh no, Searcy Steel is here." They said, "Look out, Harding is here, and they're GREAT!!" by Leah Mangrum GETTING IT TOGETHER. Richie Ross is perfecting his bicycle kick. Ross was a sophomore from Chicago. Photo by Jim Schiefelbein.