1990-1991 Yearbook

Front row: Rhonda Foutch, Lisa York, Nathan Lamb, Christine Myers, Karen McCartney, Denita Dugger; Second row: Adam Adams, Chris Jones, Jimmie Flores, Shawn Butterfield, Wayne Phillips; Third row: Kevin Kelly, Joel Vincent, Rocky Dodson, Paul Boquet, Greg Mardis; Fourth row: Ricky Jenkins, Craig Smith, Randy Fleming, Les Rydl, Dave Tyler, John' Tucker, J8$on Dodson; Fifth row: Jeff Demuth, Steven Sherrof, John Weibel, Clint Delaplane, Shawn Ware, Jamey Jamison~ Tracy Dougan; Sixth row: D. Cole, Terry Allen, Darold Rydl , Brian Hall, Greg Smith, Brandon Hicks, Mike Massey, Corey Lorenzo; Back row: Chris Holley, David Boozer, Danny Hipp, Bobby Jim.-Pqpto by Leslie Downs. I'M NO HARD HEAD. Alpha Tau pledge, Clint Delaplane, smiles while modeling his Alpha Tau hard hat. Hats were only one clothes article used by members to dress their pledges. PLEASE BRING ME FLOWERS. Gata and Alpha Tau joins other clubs in their Spring Sing show about hippies. Spring Sing brought members from all corners of campus together for four performances.