1990-1991 Yearbook

Matthew 5:16 states, " In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." This is the motto for men's social club, Beta Phi Kappa. The eighteen member club strove to uplift not only themselves but all those around them. They tried to achieve this goal by being posit ive examples to their peers. During pledge week the club chose to dress their pledges as clowns wearing cowbells. President Arthur Silva described pledge week stating, "It was fun and a great experience to draw the club together." Along with pledge week the men parJ UST A COUPLE OF FRIENDS. Beta Phi members, Denny Hickerson and Jeremy Green spend time in t he student center. Beta Phi members were a close group of friends . Fron t row: Harmon Brown, Arthur Silva, Walker Schul, Nathan Hart, Chris Barker, Mark Vaughn, Jeremy Green, Mark Cullum; Back row: Bruce Richardson, Jolyon Hall, John Spivey, Denny Hickerson, Tim Shauver, Dave Beck, Brandon Peachey. -Photo by Leslie Downs. ticipated in several other activities. For their fall service project the members raked· leaves for a local woman. The club also competed in all Harding sponsored sporting events. They held their hayride at the Carter's farm the last week of October. December 7 was the date of the annual club Christmas party held in the new gym. Silva also stated, "I feel that this club has a great deal of potential. We are hardworking and diligent; just waiting for someone to give us a chance in life. The people in this club will succeed in life because of these things." by Trish Shanklin Beta Phi 159