1989-1990 Yearbook

ttomecoming O!!_een . Walker crowned Homecoming O!!_een E rrica Walker was crowne d the 1989 Homecoming Queen during chapel on October 27. " I was astonished," said Walker. " I thought they were joking when they told me I was nominated." The three candidates, nominated by the football team, were tacey Faires , Gina Verkler, and Errica Walker. All three were seniors. Walker, a member of Regina social club, was hostess of Spring Sing 89 and in a variety of inging groups including "Good News," "Silhouettes," and "Celestial Singers." After graduation, Walker's plans included getting married and working as a marketing representative for IBM. Walker said, "I want the football team to know how much I apPUTTIN' ON THE RITZ. Robert Ritter, Errica Walker and John Griffith, all seniors, perform with the ensemble during pring Sing. Walker was very active in many campu activities. - Photo by Sharon Bowles. preciate their thinking of me. A nomination is quite. an honor in itself." Verkler was a child development major and a member of Ju Go Ju social club. She said, "I never expected to be nominated. I felt very honored." Faires, a nursing major and member of Ko Jo Kai social club said "I was really surprised and honored to be nominated. It was an honor to be on the court." The queen reigned over the Homecoming ceremonies during halftime of the football game against the University of Arkansas at Monticello. - Lex Owens AND THE WINNER IS. Err ic a Walker, senior, is crowned Homecoming Queen during ceremonies in chapel. Homecoming weekend allowed alumni to return for various special activities. - Photo by Jeff Montgomery HOMECOMING ROYALTY. John Span, Stacey Faires, Fred Wiley, Errica Walker, Gina Verkler, and Mike Alexander, all seniors, pose for pict ures during ceremonies in chapel. - Photo by Jeff Montgomery. 80 Endless Achievements