1989-1990 Yearbook

This was a year of endless achievements. Several students were inducted into Alpha Chi, for high academic achievements, and teachers nominated worthy students for Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. A senior man and woman from the student body were awarded the Regina Spirit award for their dedication to excellence and involvement during their years at Harding. Members of honor societies were selected for their diligence within their chosen field of study. Queens were selected to reign at Petit Jean dedication, Homecoming, Winter Festival and May Fete festivities. Within these pages are many students who, through endless hours of hard work and dedication, have represented Harding in a special way. Their leadership and service demonstrated to all how to achieve our highest goals. -G. Shawn Morgan Achievements Editor SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE. Karen Coggin, senior, signs the official roster under the watchful eye of Dr. Larry Long. During the fall semester, sixty-six students were inducted into Alpha Chi, a national honor society for those with high academic achievement. - Photo by Jeff Montgomery Achievements Division 79