1989-1990 Yearbook

[ Men's Intramurals Intramural program helps build character ' 'A sport for every man and every man in a sport," was the motto for the men's intramural sports program. According to Coach Mike Pruitt, the program was designed to develop stamina and skill in an activity, as well as to develop social attributes towards opponents, teammates, spectators, and officials. Each time a student played a sport at the new field, he was reminded of the motto, "He that striveth in the games, exerciseth self control." The intramural program was also held in high regard by the students. Lynn Ball, a junior, said, "It helped you meet new people, that otherwise, you may not have met. It helps you to grow athletically, but more importantly, it helps you grow spiritually." The intramural program was also something that both the expert and the beginner could enjoy. By dividing the program into major league sports and minor league sports, the program was made available to everyone. Pruitt, who served his first year as the director of the men's intramural sports program, was pleased with the formation of the program. "Basically, there have been no changes in this years' program. Mr. Beck developed a program that runs smoothly, due to excellent participation by the students in the activities." Each year, students are awarded with picture reviews, honor roll, and an awards assembly that includes winners of intramural jackets, the spirit award, and the athlete of the year award. Men's intramural sports provided acknowledgement for outstanding ability and a doorway for new friendships. The idea for the men's intramural sports program was "One who participates should be a better Christian for having done so." - Lex Owens IN THE CLEAR. Tommy Brown, sophomore, crosses the finish line far ahead of the other runners during the club track and field day. The intramural program offered sports to both the beginner and the expert. -Photo by Sharon Bowles. Men's Intramurals 61