1989-1990 Yearbook

[ Women's Intramurals Women's intramurals offer many options H arding's endless list of activities has been enhanced by the women's intramural program for many years. Barbara Barnes, director of the womens' intramural sports program for the past 25 years, and her five assistants, Kim Stacy, Sally Gardner, Jennifer McMillin, Susan Traughber, and Roxie Toms, did a lot of work to make the program successful. Sally Gardner said, "The program gives females an opportunity to play basic sports, and it keeps them fit." Being dedicated to the program came easy for Barnes. "The intramural sports program for women keeps me out with all the young people, and it keeps me active. I get to meet many new people and see all of the people I have already met. It is such a unique experience to be a part of several hundred girls' lives," she said. The program was split into two parts. Fall sports consisted of softball, tennis, table tennis, badminton, and volleyball. The spring program was comprised of basketball, racquetball, track and field, and softball. Students earned points for each sport they participated in. Jackets were awarded to the top ten women who earned the most participation points during the year. Plaques were awarded for club sportsmanship, individual, and high point. According to Barnes, the purpose of the program was to encourage students to participate in sports. "You find more people who have a real interest in sports and they really want to play," said Caroline Pillay. "Intramural sports are your own choice, you tend to get pushed into club sports. Club is more competitive, intramural is more fun." After 25 years with the program, Barnes hoped the future would be as successful as the past. - Rebecca English SOFT LANDINGS. Susan Traughber, senior, had a tough time making it over the bar when she participated in the high jump event during the club track and field day, hosted by the intramural programs. Traughber was an assistant for the director of the women's intramurals. -Photo by Sharon Bowles. Women's Intramurals 59