1989-1990 Yearbook

[ Men's Cross Country Cross country team gathers many honors S etting out to do their best, the men's cross country team entered into their season with 18 consecutive wins in the Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference Championship. The team proved its worth by ending the season with their 19th consecutive District Championship. Senior Jon Murray said, "Cross country is a team sport. Many people are led to believe that it is an individual sport; however, the team depends on each runner because it is important that each does well." A team effort is something that can be seen each time the team gets together to practice. The members agreed that it's COMPE'FING. · John Murray, senior, approaches Rick Trujillo, also a senior. Trujillo went on to win the race. - Photo by Jeff Montgomery sometimes hard to run the 5090 miles that each runner runs each week. The team effort not only makes one feel a responsibility to go to practice, but the team is also an encouragement. At the conference meet, the runners encouraged each other and as a result, members followed each other closely to the finish line. Jon Murray finished with a time of 25:45, Tony Davis, 26:53; Allen Gill, 27:31; and Mark Halbert, with a time of 27:54. The runners, however, were not the only ones to close the season with honors. Coach Ted Lloyd received Coach of the Year honors. - Josette Mattingley Kimberly Nunn STACKING. Tim Seay, sophomore, Rick Trujillo, senior, Greg Richey, sophomore, and Marty Koonce, senior, group together in order to secure consecutive high places. - Photo by Jeff Montgomery. Men's Cross· Country 53