1989-1990 Yearbook

Missons workshop • success ID A multitude of buses , vans, and cars carrying 600 students from Christian colleges and church groups throughout the United States congregated on the Harding campus last Thursday evening to kick off the 30th annual World Missions Workshop. Sponsored by the College of Bible and Religion, the theme of this year's program was "Give Me This Mountain," taken from Joshua 14:12. The four-day workshop was coordinated by Dr. Van Tate, Director of the Mission/Prepare Program and Professor of Bible. Several subcommittees directed by students helped with advertising, presentations and housing arrangements. " I feel that the workshop was very successful, " Dr. Carl Mitchell, Dean of the College of Bible and Religion, said. " I received some extremely positive feedback, and we had very good representation from the other Christian colleges." Keynote speakers Jim Woodroof, Wendell Broom, Joe Cannon, Parker Henderson, and Phil Slate discussed the importance of preparation, opportunities available, special problems , the option of missions as a career and the role of women in missions in classes held Friday and Saturday. The program concluded with a sunrise worship service and Searcy continental breakfast on Sunday. All lectures and discussions of the workshop were recorded, and video and audio tapes are available from the recording studio. According to Dr. Mitchell, the high quality of the presentations was an important factor contribution to the weekend 's success. "One of the guests remarked to me that our workshop was the most inspirational program he'd ever attended," Dr. Mitchell said. "All were very positive about what they'd experienced here." Between classes , video presentations and meetings were held for those interested in mission work in specific regions of the world. "These were helpful, " said Harding junior Julie Owen, because "They showed the individual problems within each continent. They really made you understand the responsibility of sharing the gospel with other nations and prodded you into action ." Dr. Mitchell expressed his appreciation for all who helped to make the workshop a success, saying that "its strength was due to the mixture of optimism, enthusiasm and hopefulness among our students and those who attended. - Caryllee Parker BIG D, THE RESURRECTION. Darren Bonham, host of the infamous "Big D TV", poses for a press photo. Bonham hosted the late night show which upheld traditions set by David Letterman with his quick wit, unorthodox persona, and a boistrous house band. - Photo by Wayne Westerholm. Last Wrl•tes Excerpts and Anecdotes from the Blunder Years By Mark Moore Carlucci to speak in Benson for Am. Studies Mary Burbank was the least popular girl at Paro Elementary. It wasn't a matter of opinion, it was pretty much an accepted fact. A fact we reminded her of as often as possible. Sure it was mean of us. Of course it was heartless, and without a doubt it was totally unnecessary, but we didn't care. That's what I thought anyway until mid-semester when Mr. Lawson showed up. Mr. Lawson was young and handsome, a trait the girls seemed to like, and he was tall and athletic which got him points with the boys. I'll never forget our first day of gym class with Mr. Lawson. He walked into the gym that day palming the dodgeballs in such a way that was just inconceivably cool. He blew the whistle and we all began lining up against the wall. Girls swooned and giggled. Guys envied his popularity. "I'll be one captain," he said bouncing the red pebble-grained balls against the linoleum floor. Then in a move that surprised no one, he picked Curtie Ballus to be the other captain. Curtie was the greatest dodgeball player in Paro Elementary history. He made the term "dodgeball" obsolete because his throws were, for the most part, undodgable. Curtis promptly used his first round draft pick to select his best friend, Jeff Fletcher, the second best dodgeball player in the school. Whispers began to ripple through the rest of the class. Everyone knew that Curtie had the makings of a dynasty and the only thing that stood between him and greatness was Mr. Lawson's first round draft pick. Everything hinged on his first pick. Everyone waited. No one breathed. In our minds we guessed at who it might be. "I'll take Mary." Mary had always been the last pick - the one left standing against a lonely wall. She wasn't used to having here name called at all and suddenly all the tables were turned. For the first time in her life, she was first. The rest of the picks went accordingly and when the dust cleared, Curtie and the dream team stood at one end and Mr. Lawson and his band of misfits stood at the other. I remember because I stood with the dream team. We were an invincible team of destiny. Amazingly, we had emerged with only two girls, and they were cute enough that they didn't have to be good. The whistle blew and dodgeballs flew. The first of which nearly embedded itself in Curtie's chest. At the hand of Mr. Lawson our champion fell, and before long each of us found ourselves sitting against the folded cafeteria tables trying to rub dodgeball indentations from our skin. It was then we realized the obvious. Mr. Lawson didn't need a team, much less a good one. In our pride we scoffed at his choices and doubted his wisdom in picking Mary first, yet all the time he knew he would win. Not by one individual talent or even by teamwork but by the power and only by the power of Mr. Lawson's right arm. Someday Jesus is coming back to pick his team. Who will he pick? Will it be the "good" ones who think they somehow can help him win? Or will it be the ones who are used to being chosen last? "And the last shall be first . .. " Think about it. -M.M. Former Secretary of Defense, Frank C. Carlucci addressed a nearcapacity crowd last night in Benson Auditorium at Harding University as part of the American Studies Institute fall lectureship series. Speaking on "A View from the Pentagon, " Carlucci described some of the trials and tribulations during his term of office as Secretary of Defense under former President Ronald Reagan. Prior to this, Carlucci assisted the President for National Security Affairs. He is now the ViceChairman of the International Planning and Analysis Center. Carlucci has served as Ambassador to Portugal, deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, deputy Secretary of Defense, and director of the Office of Management and Budget. He currently serves on the board of directors of Quaker Oats, Ash - land , Westinghouse, Empire State Bank, Sun Resorts , and Rand. Carlucci was also Chai rman of Sears World Trade, Inc., and was the company's president and Chief Executive Officer before being appointed Secretary of Defense. - Carmelita Bandy The Bison 33