1989-1990 Yearbook

ALL THE TALK. Melydia Clewell, associate academics editor, and Kimberly Nunn, assistant editor, take a break in the student center to read the Communication department newsletter. - Photo by Jeff Montgomery. "I" BEFORE "E" EXCEPT IN THE PEOPLES SECTION.Janelle McFarland, People section editor, takes a minute to check her pages before they went to press. Janelle had the biggest section in the book. - Photo by Jennifer R. Terry. 330 Closing SECTION EDITORS. Front row: Lilli Carlton, Malydia Clewell, Kimberly Nunn, Jennifer Terry, Phillip Tucker, Janelle McFarland; Back row: Shawn Morgan, Shannon Romine, Randy Williams. - Photo by Jeff Montgomery. NOT US!! Phillip Tucker, social clubs editor, and Randy Williams, student life editor, are caught with guilty expressions after leaving messages on the staff bulletin board. The staff board was always full of "anonymous" notes of "encouragement." - Photo by Jennifer R. Terry. THE CHEEZIEST. Shannon Romine, associate academics editor, flashes that cheesy smile at Petit Jean Mountain. It was a annual tradition for the staff to take a trip to Petit Jean Mountain. - Photo by Sharon Bowles.