Bell leaves library to the future E ndless day.s of ~orting, reco~ding and duectmg are commg to an end for Winnie Bell. Harding's head librarian announced this year that she will be retiring in July. Bell, a 1949 Harding graduate, has worked here for 31 years. In 1959, her fir!:\t year as a bookkeeper, Bell admits she was a little confused. "I had little conception of what went on in a library." But in 1974 she moved from the position of assistant librarian· to library director. In 1985 she earned the title of Professor of Library Science and Librarian. For the past 16 years she has supervised all aspects of the library. Some of her responsibilities have included budgeting, ordering new books and materials and fielding any complaints from customers about the library and its staff. Bell's staff this year consisted of twelve full time employees and forty student workers. Most of the fulltime staff have been around for quite a while, and most of the student STAFF Brent Abney-Special Representative, Admissions Office Becky Adams-Secretary, Athletic Center Cecil Adams-Loan Collection Officer Neville Adams-Dorm Supervisor, Keller Hall Betty Albright-Secretary, HSBS Donald Allee-Custodian, Graduate Hall Carylyn Anderson-Secretary, School of Education Carl Ausburn-Carpenter John Ballinger-Electrician Marcus Barnett-Custodial Area Coordinator, ~enson Au~itorium Patty Barrett-Assistant Director of Housmg, Coordm~~~ of · Social Club Activities. Terry Bates-Secretary, Testing and Lana Bawcom-Secretary to Suzanne Spurrier Steve Beliech-Assistant Dean of Students Belva Bellock-Bookkeeper, Library Ron Bettis-Electrician Ken Bissell-Director of Photo Services, Public Relations Office Joe Boaz-Electrician's Helper Mary Bolin-Accounts Receiva?le Cle.rk Lee Bost-Secretary, Vice President for Academ1c Affairs Billie Boustead-Textbook Supervisor, Bookstore Claudette Bratcher-Secretary to the President Frances Brewer-Receptionist, Business Office William Bridges-Manager, Bo~kstore Peggy Brimer-Computer Programmer, Harding Press Chris Broadaway-LiOrary Secretary Martienne Brown-Postal Clerk Tim Bruner-Director, Alumni Relations Sue Bucy-Personnel Clerk Sonya Burchett-Secretary, Public Relati:>ns Ronnie Burkett-Assistant Maintenance Supervisor Teresa Buss-Secretary, Admissions 294 Endless Guidance workers usually keep their jobs until graduation, a continuity for which Bell is grateful. "We have an excellent staff, and especially this, we have had to get along and survive the crowded conditions of this year." Full-time employee Henry Terrill said of Bell's retirement plans, "I have mixed emotions. Number one are her years of experience, which are very valuable. But on the other hand she wants to travel, see her granclchildren and spend time with her sister." Bell agreed that traveling is on the top of her list of things to do after retirement, but if that's not enough to keep her busy, she pla_ns to keep working with the World Bible School correspondence program. She also described herself as a "computer nut," and planned to hel.p wi~h the computerization of materials m the new facility. , . Terrill summed up Bell s retuement in one heartfelt sentence, "It's like your mom moving to another city - you can visit, but she's no longer living in your home town." - Trish Shanklin Douglas Campbell-Director, Annual Fund Eddie Campbell-Counselor Emma Campbell-Receptionist, Health Center Jimmy Carr-Assistant to the President