1989-1990 Yearbook

Mark Elrod, M.A. -Instructor of Political Science Clifton L. Ganus, Sr., Ph.D.-Professor of History Tom Howard, Ed.D.-Professor of Political Science Fred Jewell, Ed.D.-Professor of History Virgil Lawyer, M.A.-Professor of History & Social Science Raymond Muncy, Ph.D.-Distinguished Professor of History & Chairman of the Department Joe Segraves, Pb.D. -Professor of History LEARNING A LANGUAGE. Floyd Jones, sophomore, gets a little extra assistance from Ava Conley, assistant professor of Spanish. Language classes required hours of preparation. - Photo by Sharon Bowles. Lawyer retires; Faculty keeps busy T he professors and instructors of the History and ~olitical Science department were once again kept very busy this year. Ray Muncy continued as chairman of the department, and in addition to departmental duties, Muncy began plans to compile an archive of church history, using papers and periodicals submitted by ministers and congregations. He also continued to sponsor the Barristers, Harding's pre-law organization, and he organized the department's "Evening of Scholarship", held in the spring. After spending the fall semester at HUF, Virgil Lawyer retired from the faculty, and plans were also made to begin a search for his replacement. Mark Elrod, instructor of political science, devoted much of his spare time to sponsoring Harding's chapters of Amnesty International and COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Depanment ofHistory and Social Science STUDENT CENTER POLITICS. Mark Elrod, instructor of Political Science, and Don Allen Frost senior, take a minute for a little out-of-theclassroom visiting. Harding prided herself on her student-teacher relationships. - Photo by Sharon Bowles. the Sam Adams Society. Elrod also stayed busy behind the desk. His article, "NATO Burden Sharing and the Forces of Change," was published in the International Studies Quarterly, a publication which reaches history teachers in the United States and abroad. Fred Jewell was known for more than just his class discussions. Dr. Jewell was once again elected secretary of the Arkansas Association of College History Teachers. It was his fourth consecutive term as AACHT secretary, and he was also elected to the governing board of Phi Alpha Theta, the national history society. Jewell sponsored the Phi Alpha Theta chapter at Harding. Clifton L. Ganus, Jr., continued to spend time in the classroom as a professor of history, in addition to serving as the university's chancellor. Tom Howard sponsored Psi Sigma Alpha, the political science organization, and also directed the Institutional Testing and Research Services. Under Harding's current program, students in the History and political science fields could focus on areas ranging from history education to international politics. - Ronnie Biggs Foreign Languages & History 277