1989-1990 Yearbook

Ronald H. Doran, M.S.-Associate Professor of Biology Bryce Roberson, Ph.D.-Professor of Biology William F. Rushton, M.A. -Professor of Biology George W. Woodruff, Ed.D.-Professor of Biology Biology department offers courses T he Biology Department was designed to provide a basic knowledge of biology as a necessary part of general education, to train teachers of biology, to equip students for graduate study and to prepare students to pursue medicine, dentistry, nursing, medical technology and other professions. Led, by Michael V. Plummer, acting chairman, the faculty included Bryce Roberson, William Rushton, George Woodruff, Ronald Doran and Adjunct Instructor Retta Dean. Biology majors could elect either the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science program. Classes included such interesting subjects as Entomology and Herpetology. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Department ofBiology CHECKING GRADES. Jenny Kwa, sophomore, and Wayne Shorter, freshman, check scores with George Woodruff, professor of biology, before class. Biology 111 was a general education requirement. - Photo by Jeff Montgomery. Art & Biology 273