Faculty displays specialized talents T he Art Department was headed by Dr. Don Robinson as chairman. Robinson obt ained his M.A. from Colorado State University and taught designpainting and jewelry classes. Four other professors helped make up t he art department this year. They were Gregory Clayton, Faye Doran , John Keller and Paul P itt. Clayton directed the computer graphics program. He also was asked to make a bronze cast bust of Dr. George S. Benson. Other sculptures done by Clayton could be found in various galleries throughout the country, including a gallery at Eastern Michigan University. Doran received her Ed.D. from Penn State and this year directed the CHALK WALK. Chris Kachouroff, freshman, sketches on the sidewalk outside the Art Building before Spring Sing Weekend. Every year art students decorated the walks for Spring Sing and Youth Forum. - Photo by Sharon Bowles. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Department ofArt Int erior Design program. Doran specialized in weaving. She was known around the state and the region for her art work. Keller received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska. His specialty was watercolor and paint making. He directed the teaching program from the art department this year. Pitt specialized in ceramics. He was a member of the Little Ozark Foothills Association. He had a mas - ter 's in ceramic and painting from Memphis State University. This year the Art department's activities included weekly senior art showings and an all student show during Spring Sing weekend. A facult y show was also held the first week of t he spring semester. - Lori Rose 272 Endless Guidance SOFT AND SQUISHEY. Darlene Sellers, senior, listen to Greg Clayton as he instructs her in the basics of sculpture. Clayton served as Assistant Professor of Art. - Photo by Sharon Bowles. Greg Clayton, M.F.A.-Assistant Professor of Art Faye Doran, Ed.D.-Professor of Art John Keller, Ph.D.-Associate Professor of Art Paul Pitt, M.F.A.-Professor of Art Don Robinson, M.A.-Professor of Art & Chairman of the Department