1989-1990 Yearbook

"Ka Re Ta members are great, fun-loving girls. Each girl strives to be Christlike and shows it in her everyday attitudes and activity." - Dolly Nunley Last Spring proved to be a very active one for Ka Re Ta social club. The girls began their spring semester with a stone-age Valentine's Day party - "A Prehistoric Valentine with Ka Re Ta." fhe club then adapted daily practices to its schedules to prepare for its production of Spring Sing '89: "Cell Block Rock." Ka Re Ta performed with GATA, Alpha Tau and Sigma Phi Mu as jailbirds looking for a way "out." Near the end of the spring semester, Ka Re Ta said goodbye to graduating seniors at its annual formal banquet, held at the Little Rock Club in downtown Little Rock. The year did not end for Ka Re Ta, however, until after the club's garage sale, the proceeds from which went to students lacking funds for summer campaigns. Ka Re Ta began the fall semester ready for new challenges and activity. The girls enjoyed a hayride at Lavon Carter's farm and continued participating in all club sports. Ka Re Ta president Dolly Nunley said, "Ka Re Ta memhers are great, fun-loving girls. Each girl strives to be Christ-like and shows it in her everyday attitudes and activity." - Phillip Tucker Front row: Trent Arnold, Shawn Hicks, Krista Neidig, Wendy Howard, Nona Wise, Chuck Roe, Lesty Soehendra, Emee Belo, Ilsia Flores, Jeff Felzien; Second row: Claudette Bratcher, Lois O'Neal, Doris Davidson, Maria Merritt, Dolly Nunley, Janice Miller, Tammy Neal, Kathryn Stewart, Hillerina Beckford, Carrie Tallant, Kathy Chambers; Third row: Lori Wright, Kim Tebo, Robin Worrell , Ronda Milam, Kari Paha!, Stacia Morris, Kittie Young, Lyn Pate, Suzanne Perry; Fourth row: Teki Moore, Lori Fischer, Carla Tipton, Leigh Brooks, Rena McCarty, Paula Jackson, Kythrie Dunkin, Sheryl Hertter; Back row: Lydia Stephens, Karalyn Christy, Carla Sparks, Karla McNary, Christine Hill, Kathy Nell, Trisha Malone, Allison Jones. - Photo by Sharon Bowles. 222 Endless Friendships "KA RE TA'S THE BEST." Junior Ka Re Ta member Ronda Milam talks to an interested freshman at the club's first mixers this year. Club mixers gave members a chance to brag about their clubs and persuade new students to join them. - Photo by Phillip Tucker LET THE SUNSHINE IN. Freshman Ke Re Ta pledge Kathy Stewart rests from pledging to talk to some friends. Ka Re Ta pledges were required to get signatures on their cardboard sunshines. - Photo by Sharon Bowles.