1989-1990 Yearbook

Pedro Velasquez - Panama. Regina Ann Verkler - Black Rock , AR. Donna Kay Vick - Spring , TX. Accounting. Tri-Sigma Delta Pi Gamma Psi . Nodel Iveth Villarreal - Panama. Marketing. Omega Phi . Campaigns (Honduras), JOY, Spanish Club, Walton Scholar. Learning to get 27 hours out of a day A hhh, college life ... there's nothing like it. You'll only be in college once, so make the most of it. Remember, all study and no play .. . " Wait a minute Mom! Did you have any idea exactly what you were telling me that first day of my college career? Did you realize that barely four years later, slowly and unknowingly, I'd have successfully gotten myself involved in enough college activities to occupy 23 of my precious 24 hours each day? It all began so innocently during, my freshman year in Cathcart. Since we weren't in a club yet, trips to Heber, Frozen D's, and Little Rock dominated our time. 0.K., I'll be honest - yes we also went to every guy's club softball game; but, after all, as newcomers to the campus, we had to see all that Harding had to offer. After curfew, late nights in the dorm were the norm. Oh, nothing particularly important, just goofing off or talking on the phone. But then the plot thickened as soon as club mixers began. You would think that somebody would have warned us at this point of what lay ahead. But no, it was already too late for them. And, in the eyes of the upper classmen, to see us poor freshmen with time to relax on the front lawn, or to take a Sunday afternoon nap, just drove them crazy. So they smiled, acted friendly, and encouraged us to join a club. Then, after about 30 mixers in two weeks, pledge week hit. And, boy did it hit hard! Naive little souls were we. We actually anticipated what was to come: football games, hayrides, club meetings, joint devotionals with other clubs, Monday Mazzio's night, Christmas parties, basketball, Spring Banquets, and, to top it all off - Spring Sing! Thankfully, by this time we had learned how t o make a schedule, keep a calendar, or live with the consequences of forgotten appointments or missed homework assignments, and not a moment too soon either. For, now as sophomores, most of us had chosen a major, and had been thrown into the new world of academic and field-related activities. Words ·of wisdom from teachers about the essentials of experience and a good resume quickly struck fear into our hearts, compelling us to actually volunteer for projects and to get involved with various other clubs merely adding to our already cluttered life style. Of course, throughout this mess of activities, somewhere we fit in those spiritual activities which give us the strength to make it each day. Lily pool devotionals, (never held at lily pool), fall lectureship, spring lectureship, World Missions Workshop, the Tulsa Workshop, allnight prayer sessions, Campus Ministry, the Crew, lnt er national Campaigns, Campaigns Northwest, Campaigns Northeast our personal quiet time became our only time to take a rest. Oh yeah, dating. Where did dates fit into all of this, if indeed they did at all? Wherever you could find a free hour or two was the answer. Even then, you must remember to mark it on your calendar, lest you accidentally plan another one for the same time. And what about those many friendships you've acquired that first day of college? Unless you live with someone or have them in a class, any time spent together also had to be planned. The infamous remark "Let's get together sometime," was often left in the planning stages at the sudden realization that your already full schedules for the next two weeks clashed completely. Mid-term grades were out. The phone rings. You pick up the receiver. No "hi," no "hello" just a disappointed voice at the other end: "We just received your mid-term grades" ... It's Mom. Yes, that very same mom who sent you on your way that first day of college with those words of wisdom: "College life ... make the most of it. All work and no play ...·" You only wish you could justify that 2.0 by reminding her of her own advice she gave you not so very long ago. So, as the long distance lecture continues, you solemnly resolve that you'll find some study time somewhere to bring those grades up sometime in the near future. That is, whenever you can fit it into your schedule. - Monica Bagley Jennifer Lynn Visser -Northhampton , PA. Craig A. Uys - South Africa Shannon Diann Waggoner - Tulsa, OK. Elementary Education. Ju Go Ju (Treasurer) . Alpha Chi, Titans Queen, Dean 's List, JOY, Kappa Delta Pi , SA Spiritual Life Committee, Student Impact. Alyce M. Wagner - North Little Rock, AR. Computer Information Systems. Transfer from University of Central Arkansas. Data Processing Management Association, Thespian Society. Seniors 157