1989-1990 Yearbook

Michael Duane Ross - Williamston, WV. Donald Joseph Rottman - Kenora, Ontario, Canada. Human Resources. TNT (Sec retary). Barriste rs, College Republi cans (Treasurer), Intramurals, Petit Jean Staff (Photographer) , SAM Psychology Club. Kimberly Sue Rowan - Searcy, AR. Elementary Education. Sigma Phi Mu (Social Director, Devo Director). AHEA, Campus Mini stry, Dramatics (Annie) , HUF. Noel Alberto Rubio - Guatemala. Going 'off to school'-across town W hen going away to college, one had several adjustments to make. Getting used to a new environment was certainly not the least of these. Many students were not familiar with the school when they got to Searcy and found that they had a lot to learn; however, this was not always the case. Many local students chose to attend Harding rather than going away to school. Naturally, these people usually had a somewhat different perspective of the university than did those students who were not from the Searcy area. Many of these students lived in Searcy all their lives and were quite familiar with the school. This familiarity often contributed to the decision of many Searcy students to attend Harding. "Even though I've lived in Searcy all of my life, and was ON THE LAWN. Alicia Fowler, freshman, listens intently to her energy group leader during a student impact energy group meeting. Photo by Sharon Bowles. pretty familiar with the school, I don 't think I really knew what it would mean to me until now," said senior Britt Thomas. "I've made friends that I know I can count on. They're just a phone call away any time I need them. I've also really enjoyed working under a faculty that is truly concerned with you as an individualknowing that they do care makes your work that much easier." Senior Matt House, of Searcy, also commented, "When I got out of high school I thought I wanted to get away, but I ended up coming anyway. It has really been good for me. I've grown in several ways and been influenced by a lot of people. I . guess that most special thing about Harding to me is the Christian girl I met here that is going to be my wife." Every student that had come through Harding had his or her own impression and expectations. What was important was the impression Harding left with students after they were gone. - Darren Howard Murray Lloyd Sanderson - Memphi s, TN. Accounting TNT (Chaplin). Alpha Chi , American Studies, Belles and Beaux , Campaigns (Belize) , Campus Ministry, Zeta Rho Beau, College Republi cans, Dean's List, Delta Mu Delta, Pi Gamma Psi (President), Student Impact (Stee ring Committee , Energy Group Chairman ), FACT Team. Gregory Dean Sandlin - Bentonville, AR. Radio/TV Broadcasting. Chi Sigma Alpha. Alpha Epsilon Rho, Campus Ministry, Regina Beau, lntramurals, KHCA Staff, Student Impact (Ene rgy Group Leader), TV-19 (Editing Director), Praise. Robert Louis Schaffer - Murfreesboro, TN. In terna tional Studies/ French. TNT (Activities Director, Treasurer). Alpha Chi , Campaigns (France, Australia), Campus Minist ry, Dean 's List, French Club (Vice President), HUF, SA Elections Committee, Student Impact (Steering Committee, Parents Prog ram ), Samuel Adams Political Science Commi ttee, FACT. Scott A. Scharfenberg - Festus, MO. Cindi Lee Schultz - Caspe r, WY. Elizabeth Claire Schroer - Marietta , GA. James Robert Scott - Davenport, IA. Transfe r from York Coll ege. Physical Education. King 's Men (President , Treasurer) . OEGE Beau, Theta Psi Beau, PEMM Club, In tramurals (All-Sta r, Sports Skills Champion). Kevin Randall Sellars - Klamath Fall s, Or. Seniors 153