Trent D. Austin - Pine Knot, AR. Biology. Titans. Alpha Chi, Campus Ministry, Dean's List, Resident Assistant, Student Impact (Group Leader) , DeVita (President). Tara Leigh Baggett - Memphis, TN. Monica Lynn Bagley - Wrightstown, NJ. Advertising. Shantih. Alpha Chi, Bison Staff, Campaigns (Australian) , Campus Ministry, Freshman Class Secretary and Treasurer, Knights Queen, Dean's List, Friends, JOY, KHCA Staff, Petit Jean Staff (Section Editor), Resident Assistant, SA Advertising Committee, TV-19 Dav id Franklin Bailey - Hatfield, PA Lisa Lynn Bailey - Pocahontas, AR. Chemistry. Chi Lambda Ch i (Devo Director, Historian). Campaigns (England), Dean's List, JOY, Resident Assistant, Student Impact, Crew, Chemistry Club. Leanne Baker - Bozeman, MT. Music Education. Regina (Special Activities Director, Spring Sing Director, President) . A Cappella (Women 's Ensemble Conductor), Concert and Marching Band, Campus Ministry, Concert Choi r (Vice President), Good News, Student Impact (Energy Group Leader) , SMENC, ACDA. Michelle R. Barbeau - Rochester, MI. Dewey Scott Barber - Bitam, AL. Marketing. Kappa Sigma Kappa . American Marketing Association, College Republicans, HUF, Golf Team. Buffie Ellen Baril - Bentonville, AR. Marketing. OEGE (Devo Director) . Alpha Chi, Ameri can Studies, Dean 's List. Gary Dean Barnes - Ozark, MO. Transferred from David Lipscomb University. Titans. Intercollegiate Athletics (Allstar-AIC, Baseba ll ). Kimberly Rae Barnes - Little Rock, AR. Nursing. Tri-Sigma Delta (Devo Director, Sunshine Girl) . Theta Tau Delta Queen , Friends, JOY. Rebecca Marie Beall - Longview, TX. Michelle K. Beasley - Gordonsville , VA. Dana Louise Bennet - Little Rock, AR. Oral Communication. Delta Lambda BETA (President ). Dramatics (Arseni c and Old Lace, Wait Unt il Dark and Rainmaker), KHCA Staff, Resident Assistant , SNEA, TV-19. Stanley Wayne Bennett - Columbis, MS Deborah Jane Berberian - Bow, NH. Tri-Delta Epsilon. Mark Stephen Beshirs - Winter Springs , FL. Sherry Lynn Bever - Caldwell, OH. Michael Brett Biggs - Van , TX. Nancy E. Billiot - Searcy, AR. Cecilia Lynn Bitting - Santa Paula, CA. Elementary Education . Omega Phi (Vice President, Hi storian). HUF. Douglas Black - West Memphis, AR. Leanne Dorris Black - Henderson, TN. Special Education. Transfer from Oswego State University of New Yrok. Omega Phi (Historian) . Alpha Chi, American Studies, Dean's List, SNEA. Yasmin Y. Bledsoe - Jonesboro, AR. Element,ary Education. Ju Go Ju. Barristers. Ann Marie Blue - Tulsa , OK. Biology. Sigma Phi Mu . JOY , Student Impact (Group Leader) , DeVita. Bobby G. Bluford - Knoxvi ll e, TN. Religious Education. TNT (Activities Director). Campaigns (Northeast/Southeast), Campus Ministry , Zeta Rho Beau, Dean's List , Chairman SA Spiritual Life Committee, SA Advertising Committee , Student Impact (Ene rgy Group Leader), Timothy Club. Christina Sue Boaz - Hanfo rd , CA. Rebecca Joy Goaz - Searcy, AR. Fashion Merchandisin1r Zeta Rho (I CC Representative, Vice President). AHEA , Sophomore Class Secretary. Dean's List, HUF, Junior and Senior SA Women's Representative, Student Impact (Stee ring Comm ittee, Publicity and Registration) , FACT. Seniors 135