1989-1990 Yearbook

Campus was filled daily with people. Some we knew well, others we didn't know at all, but they were all important to us because they were our friends. We ate with them, worked with them, played sports with them, and sometimes even studied with them. However, life-long friendships were not made quickly. They developed over the year through our activities together. During the fall, academic groups and social clubs held mixers so that the new students and members could get to know each other. These mixers helped match the familiar face with the not so familiar name. Through the year there were many activities that brought people closer together. Pledge week, club events, sports competitions and classes were all times when friendships grew and were strengthened. As the year passed, more and more of those "Endless Faces" belonged to people who would be our friends forever. -Janelle McFarland People Editor IMPACT. Jan Bonds, freshman , takes a break from acti v ities during Student Impact. Bonds was one of 762 freshmen who participa t ed in Impact this year. - Photo by Sharon Bowles. People Division 133