1989-1990 Yearbook

A memory is a personal thing. It can trigger the past into replay with a face or a photograph, a scent or a song. It is the handle that keeps us holding on to the past. Harding was a memory in the making. It was a place to work. And to play. It was a shoulder to cry on. It was a family of strangers. It was a home away from home. It was a blessing in the form of a rural Arkansas town that still ran at a comfortable pace despite the frenzied, ulcer-ridden times we lived in. This year-long memory began by celebrating Student Impact's fourth birthday with one to grow on. Green shirts prevailed among the even greener grass and trees as excitement reached a fevered-high about the year to come. This excitement carried on throughout the year, manifesting itself into club softball, homecoming, pledge week, lily-pool devotionals, and Spring Sing. Excitement was the bright stuff that Endless Memories were made of. Relationships began and ended Tears were spilled and dried. Hearts were broken and healed. Memories were made but not forgotten. -Randy Williams Student Life Editor SQUIRT! Cynthia Rackley, freshman, checks her blind side for any potential attackers during the annual Student Impact water fight on the front lawn. Besides providing cooling comfort from the blistering weather, the battle helped the new students to let down their guards and enjoy the moment. - Photo by Sharon Bowles. Student Life Division 7