1989-1990 Yearbook

Alpha Chi . . ,_.··---------------------------------------------------------- LET YOUR FINGERS DO THE WALKING. Myca Hagood, senior, spends many hours in the computer science center. The center allowed students to become acquainted with how computers operated. - Photo by G. Shawn Morgan Ha~pod balances academic. social life M yea Hagood, a junior computer science major from Cleveland, Tenn., was involved in many different activities on and off campus. She served as the Junior Class Treasurer, and was also involved with Campus Ministry, the Crew, Alpha Chi, and Programming Team. Hagood was a member of Regina Social Club, participated in Spring Sing, and served as secretary. She had an active lifestyle which included kayaking, snow and water skiing, reading, and just spending quality time with her friends. Hagood planned to graduate by May of 1991, and attend graduate school to receive her Masters in Artificial Intelligence. She hoped to work with small churches in the Northwest. While a student, Hagood attend the Harding University in Florence program in the Spring, 1989. There she studied her basics, and spoke conversational Italian. Hagood selected Harding because her parents emphasized Christian education. Hagood was not the only member of her family to attend Harding. Her sister graduated from Harding, and her brother, Derek, began at Harding the fall of 1989. Hagood appreciated the attendance of her brother because they had more time together. She considered him her "best friend" here. Hagood received the Trustee's Scholarship, which was full-tuition for her years at Harding. Even though her schedule was hectic, Hagood participated in club sports, and enjoyed various outside activities. During the fall semester, Hagood was inducted into Alpha Chi. Concerning Alpha Chi, she stated, "I feel it provides the needed incentive for academic achievement among Harding students." - Bobby Broughton 100 Endless Achievements