IN SONG. Michelle Tyson, senior, sings during a performance of Belles and Beaux. Belles and Beaux gave an exciting show for Harding students during a fall chapel program. -Photo by Sharon Bowles. TIME OF DAY. The members of Time of Day performed at Central Arkansas Christian High School during the fall. Visiting high schools provided a successful effort in recruiting students. -Photo by Ken Bissell. MU~IC GROUP~: Belles & Beaux, Time of Day, "D"-TV Band T he sounds of Belles and Beaux, Time of Day, and the Big "D" T.V. band have provided everything from entertainment to recruiting. Belles and Beaux took their energetic show around the country and back home for an occasional chapel program. The purpose of the group was to promote the ideals of Harding while providing wholesome entertainment. Their combination of enthusiasm, popular music and a Christian perspective provided a successful effort in GETTIN' THE BEAT. Josh Touchton, freshmen, drums up some noise while rehearsing for the Levi 501/PRSSA extravaganza. Big "D" T.V. hosted the party which aired on T.V.-19. -Photo by Sharon Bowles. reaching possible students. The choir was accompanied by a variety of musical instruments and an upbeat choreography routine which added a special zest to their show. The main purpose of Time of Day, like Belles and Beaux, was to promote the Christian atmosphere and education receivable at Harding to parents , alumni, and perspective students through their show. Time of Day members included Tad Morris, Trey Chandler, Lorin Bristow, and Jeff Cash. Auditions were held in the spring to select potential members. Time of Day kept busy with daily practices and a performance schedule of three weekends out of the month. These performances included everything from churches and camps to banquets. Time of Day also could be seen on the Harding campus. The group performed during the fall Freshmen/ Transfer Talent Show and during the Spring Sing/Youth Forum weekend. A new musical group on campus this year was the Big "D" T.V. band. The members of the band included Randy Williams, Todd White. Brian Pistole, and Josh Touchton. The band performed during the Big "D" T.V. show which aired on Harding's T.V.-19. All three musical groups provided Harding students with a variety of entertainment to enjoy and the recruiting groups proved to be a vital effort in the recruiting process. -Kyla E. Martin Belles & Beaux, Time of Day, Big "D" T.V. 63