1988-1989 Yearbook

Muc1r GRQUDC. Thundering Herd, Ja zz 1 U \; [ U 1 Band, Pep Band The Thunderin g Herd Marching Band , Jazz Band, and Pep Band were act ive music groups on campus and avid supporters of vari ous Bison porting events. The Thundering Herd 's main purpose was to support the Bi - son football team and provide halftime entertainment. This year , however , a particular per - formance highlighted their seaon. The band was invited to perfo rm during Ronald Reagan 's visit to Little Rock in November . Not only did the Thundering Herd perform, they were chosen as t he " honor band ." Before a crowd of 20,000 spectators Harding ' s own Thundering Herd played "Hail to the Chief" as Reagan stepped off the plane and onto t he p latform. FollowIN TUNE. Lee Fowlkes, freshman, kept in tune with the band during a football game. The band provided songs in the stands to get the crowd fired up and support the football team. - Photo by Sharon Bow les. DRUM LINE. Bass drums provide the bottom beat of t h e music for the band. The band performed at all home football games play ing several different pieces and forming patterns on the field. -Photo by Col e Bennett. 60 Groups for keeps ing Reagan 's speech the band pla y ed " Washing to n P ost March " and a variety of other patriotic songs. The band was under the direct ion of Dr. J . Warren Casey and Drum Major Terry Turner. T he Jazz band was also under t he direction of Casey. The Jazz band held auditions during the fall and began their Tuesday I T hursday practices. The Jazz band gave a fall chapel program and an independent concert in Arkansas. During the spring semester t he Jazz band worked on t he back up music for Spring Sing whi le also playing music for the host and hostesses numbers . "Most of the members played in t hei r high school jazz band ," said Kim Ledbetter, a freshman and new member of the band. The Pep band was led by Chris Hanson and was another audition band. The pep band 's main purpose was to support and perform during the Bison basketball games. The pep band was a supportive group to the Bisons and got the crowd pumped up. -Kyla E. Martin KEEP THE BEAT. Members of the Thunde ring H erd Ma rch ing Band, kept the rhythm during the i r half- t ime p e rformance. Warren Casey w as t he band director. -Photo b y Co le Be nnett.