1988-1989 Yearbook

GONE. Greg White, j unior, k nocks t h e ball out of the "new fie ld." White was one of the intramural All Stars for softball. -Photo by Brian Lovegrove. Reacl71iJg /orexffas 'lntramurals is a great program and I have more than enjoyed participating ,' said Stephens Continuous athletic activity was offered year round to the male portion of the student body through the men' intramural program. As director of club and intramural athletic , Cecil Beck and his staff of assistant oversaw a wide variety of events planned to exercise and entertain. The program, which reached more than 70 percent of the student body and a number of the faculty members, began in early eptember. "I'm glad that the program begins as early as it doe because a a freshman it introduce you to a lot of new people," said Michael Pruitt. winging into the fall, oftball began the year. From there thing were haken up as flag football took the field. Following in the fall semester was volleyball, and table tennis. In the later portion of the emester, basketball began and every would-be Larry Bird , Michael Jordan, and pud Webb came "in" to play. With an influx of people, both minor and major leagues we re filled with tiff competition. ' ompetition i what I call it as even the minor leagues were filled with ome very talented players," says cott orsey. Corsey aid he al o en38 Playing for keeps joyed the variety of other activities offered. Variety was pre ented in other forms as well. Following the basketball season, fitness exercises challenged competitors to challenge themselves in push-, pull- and chin-ups. Another aerobic exercise was swimming. It was offered in late February in the Ganus Athletic Center. On the last swing of the year, softball returned to complete the calendar. "It's great to have softball twice a year because it's my favorite sport," said John Edmunson . Closing the year was the presentation of awards. Those who petitioned for a letter jacket and fulfilled the requirements received their reward in front of the student body in late May . " It's good to know that the school cares about more than making a grade," replied Edmunson. "It's a great program and I have more than enjoyed partici pating in and working as an Intramural Ass istant," aid David Stephens. And what about Mr. Beck, the director? "He treats us ju t like ons," said Stephen . -Don Strader