REST AND RELAX. E ve r y s pring the intra mural org aniza tion s pons ors a track meet. Christi e Gra d y , sophomore and Janda Harlow, senior, take a bre ak from the saturday a c ti v iti e s whil e Mindy Raines, junior, look s on . -Photo by Sha ron Bowl es. WHAM. Beth Stanley, senior, swings during the game. Mary Pat Miller, sophomore, catches while Mark Halbert, sophomore, referees. Both intramural and club games were referred by student volunteers. -Photo by Brian Lovegrove. SERVING IT UP. At the new g y m, Tonya Young, freshman, serves the ball to her opponent. Games were held for intramurals usually twice a week. -Photo by Cole Bennett. MEETING TIME. At her office in the old gym, Barbara Barnes talks with one of her assistants, Susan Traughber, senior. The assistants were responsible for keeping scores at all the games. -Photo b y Don Strader. Women's Intramurals 37