1988-1989 Yearbook

VEND-A-WHAT? At one ofthe many bat.hroom st.ops on the way t.o Topeka, Kan8as, Jack Shock, adviser, poses for his picture next t.o a Vend-A-Bait machine. As second year adviser, Shock el\joyed keeping up with the staff on adventures such as this.--Photo by Sharon Bowles. TRUE WORKER. Don Strader, Junior, edlt.ed the Sport.s section. Since he had about 10 other jobs on campus he believed in coming to the oftlce "Just t.o work."-Photo by Sharon Bowle.. 328 LrITLE SHOP OF HORRORS. The oftlce became a second home for the staff as they watched movies and spent every Saturday in the oftlce. Jennifer Terry, junior, and Janelle McFarland, beshman, act out a portion of the movie Little Shop of Ho'fTOrs that they had watched the night before in the oftlce.-Phot.o by Sharon Bowles. <X>OXIF.Srm On the trip t.o Topeka, IC.uuNuJ, Monica Bagley, Junior, eat.& her 20th cookie that Mrs. Romine had sent. Bagley provided ent.ertainment on the trip by requiring us to make bathroom st.ops every so minutes. LOONS (OR WONY). Jennifer Terry, junior, was constantly hunting for her loons or her pandas. Kidnappers hid her animals in various places ranging from the darkroom and Shores Chapel t.o the celling.-Phot.o by Sharon Bowles.