David T. Brock - Yo rk , NE. Management. Curtis Eugene Brodie - P lai nfi eld , IN. Physical Education. Transfered from York Co ll ege and Abil ene Christ ia n, Sub -T-16 (Chap lin , Second Mate) , Campaigns (Aust ra lia) , Club Beau (GATA), PEMM Club , Student Impact (G roup Leade r). Audrey Rose Brooker - Pl antati on, FL. N ursing. Ko J o Kai (Sec reta ry), HSNA. Paul Alvin Brooks - Este rn , FL. Math Education. Echad, Alpha Chi, Dean's List, Kappa Delta Pi , MECA, SNEA. Janet Lynn Brown - Rowl ett , TX. Accounting. Shanti h (Treasu rer, Inte rcl ub Cou ncil Representati ve), Ameri can Studies, Dean 's List, Delta Mu Delta, Pi Gamma Psi. Kimberly Diane Brown - Popl ar Bluff, MO . Special Education. Tri Sigma Delta (President, In te rcl ub Counci l Representative, Spring Sing Di rector), Campus Ministry, Choral e, Dean 's List, Drama t ics (Annie) , HUF , Int ramurals, Inte rco ll eg iate Athl etics (Track), Resident Assistant, SNEA. Timothy Lee Brown - Sea rcy, AR. Angela Grace Browner - Li t t le Rock, AR. Sheridyn Suzanne Browning - Bartl esv ill e, OK. Biochemistry. Nicholas Reynolds Bryant - Crysta l Ri ver, FL. Bible. AGO, Outreach, Timothy Club. Catherine Lee Buchi - Franklin , TN. Accoun ting. Matthew Francis Bugg - Troy, MI. English. Bryan David Burks - Searcy, AR. Accoun ting. TNT (I nte rclub Council Representati ve , Presiden t) , Alpha Chi , Ameri can Studi es, Bus iness Team, Campus Mini stry, Club Beau (Zeta Rho), Dean 's List, Delta Mu Delta, HUF , l nt ramurals, Pi Gamma Psi, Student Impact, FACT . Laura Hendon Burks - Sea rcy, AR. Business Education. Zeta Rho (Sunshine Director, Devotional Director), American S tudies, Campus Ministry, Cheerleader, Chi Delta Epsilon, Club Queen (TN T), Dean 's List, Delta Mu Delta, HUF, Homecoming Queen Attendant, Kappa Del ta Pi, S tuden t Impact, Win ter Festi val Queen Attendan t, SAEA. Darrel Wayne Burleigh - Bartlesville, OK. Mathematics. TIME TO READ. Jimmie Flores, freshman, reads a magazine at the Learning Assistance Center. The new pro226 People for keeps gram was designed to help anyone who felt they needed help in college. -Photo by Kay Gowan. PASS program begins second year I n a second floor bedroom of the Sears house there was a book tucked away in the bookshelf entitled Where there's a Will, There 's an A. This comes as no surprise, seeing as though the Sears house was the location of Harding's Learning Assistance Program. The Learning Assistance program was designed to help students learn and practice successful study habits. They offered free study skills seminars, tutoring, study groups, and the use of a reading lab. The reading lab was in conjunction with the Program for Academic Success (PASS). They had computer software in building vocabulary and comprehension skills and speed reading. In February the Center had seven computer terminals. They anticipated purchasing approximately six more by the end of the year. The Learning Assistance Program is in its second year of operation. Linda Thompson, who has been its coordinator since the lab's beginning, believed that the Learning Assistance program has been a great success and that it will continue to be an asset to the student body. She said, "We are excited about adding some new programs to the Center. Things are going great and we are anticipating more success in the future." The Learning Assistance program is a federally funded project. Thompson and her husband Travis prepared annual reports to the government to verify the success of the program and insure the need for funding. The Thompsons were very dedicated to this program. Linda said, "It's hard work and very time consuming, but it 's all worth it when I see a student benefit from what we do." Grades didn't come easy to all students. Some needed a little extra help along the way. Fortunately with a program like this, where there was a will there was an A. -Jennifer Terry