1988-1989 Yearbook

Eugene Sander Abernathy - Lawrenceville, GA. Alex Milton Addington - Searcy, AR. Mickey James Adkinson - Tulsa, OK. Digna Michel Aguilar - Searcy, AR. Business Education. Transfer from Universidad de Hondruas, American Studies, Campaigns (Honduras, Uruguay), Campus Ministry, Dactylology Club, Spanish Club. Henry A. Alegria - Corozal Town, Belize. Chemistry. Michael Scott Allen - Searcy, AR. Journalism, Physical Education. Sub T-16 , Alpha Chi , Bison Staff (Dept. Editor) , Campaigns (Australia, Italy), Class officer (Fr. & Soph. Vice President) , College Bowl, Dean's List, Intramurals (All-Star, Jacket) , KHCA (Program Director), Petit Jean Staff, PEMM club, Resident Assistant, SA Officer (Treasurer, President) , Student Impact, TV-19. Maribel Almendarez - Tegucigalpa, D.C. Honduras. Echad, American Studies, Campaigns (Global), Dean's List, Delta Mu Delta, Spanish Club (President, Secretary ). Olan (Bubba) Alsup - Gainesville, TX. Bible. Transfer from Sam Houston State University, TNT, Campaigns (Northeast, Australia), Campus Ministry, Class officer (Sr. President), Conque rors, Intercollegiate Athletics (football), Outreach, Timothy Club. Stephanie McAfee Alsup - Missoula , MT. Accounting. Zeta Rho, American Studies, Campaigns (Australia), Campus Minisfry, Delta Mu Delta, Homecoming Queen, Intercollegiate Athleti cs (volleyba ll) , Pi Gamma Psi, Scholastic All-American. Michael D. Anderson - Coeur D. Alene, ID. Bible. Sigma Tau Sigma (Spiritual Director, Vice President, President), A Cappella (Men 's Ensemble) , Campaigns (Northeast, Southeast), Campus Ministry, Chorale, Club Beau (Kappa Delta), Dramatics (Music Man), Good News, Student Impact, Timothy Club, University Club. Ruth Anderson - Chapel Hill, TN. Music. Heather JoAnne Armstrong - Vancouver , WA. Elementary Education. Ju Go Ju (secretary), Campus Ministry, Class officer (Fr. Vice President) , HUF, JOY, Student Impact, (Energy Group Leader), SAEA. _ Susan Downing Arnette - Salinas, CA. Public Relations. Tri Sigma Delta (Devotiona l Director, Sunshine Girl, Secretary, Vice President), Bison Staff (Asst. Editor), Campus Mini stry, Dean 's List, Dramatics ("Annie", "The Monkey 's Paw"), HUF, KHCA, PRSSA (Secretary) , Student Impact (G roup Leader), TV-19. Todd Larrell Austin - Paragould, AR. Ministry & Mathematics. Titans (Chaplai n), Alpha Chi, Club Beaux (Shantih), Intramu rals, Resident Assi stant, SAM, Student Impact. Jodie Lynn Baker - Hardy, AR. History. Regina, Alpha Chi, Ameri can Studies, Art Guild, Barristers, Campaigns (Italy), Campus Ministry, College Republicans , Dean 's List, Dramatics ("The King and I", "Carousel", "Dogs of War"), Fri ends , HUF, JOY (Vice President) , Phi Alpha Theta (Secretary, Treasurer) , Spanish Club, University Singers (President), The Crew. Leanne Baker - Bozeman, MT. Music. Linda Sue Baker - Stonewall , LA. Elementary Education. SNEA. Bruce Allen Baptiste - Butler, PA. Elementary Educa tion and Bible. Timothy Club. Brad Benton Barber - Tyler, TX. Special Education, Marketing. Titans (Soc ial Director), AMA, Club Beaux (Omega Phi), College Republicans, Dactylology Club, Big Brothers, Intramural s (All-Star), SAM, SA Committee (Special Projects) , SNEA, TECH (President). Kevin Jay Barber - Bald Knob , AR. Economics. Kappa Tau Omega , Barristers, College Republicans, Intramurals (All-Star), Intercollegiate Athl etics (Football), SAM. Sheri R. Barber - N. Little Rock, AR. Biology. Michael Greggory Barden - Searcy, AR. Chemistry. Sub T-16 (President, Vice - President), Alpha Chi, Campa igns (Italian), Campus Mini stry, Club Beau (Ko Jo Kai) , College Republi cans, Dean's List, Intramurals (All-Star) , Intercollegiate Athletics (Tennis-All-American). Chuck Baril - Detroit, MI. Gary Dean Barnes - Ozark, MO. Human Resources. Transfer fr om David Lipscomb College, Titans, Intercollegiate Athletics (Baseball). Jerome Randall Barnes - Searcy, AR. History. TNT, American Studies , Campaigns (Italian), Campus Ministry, Club Beau (Omega Phi) , College Republicans, Dean's List, HUF, Intramural s, Intercollegiate Athletics (Football). Natalie Kay Barnes - Vernon, AL. Michelle Renee Barnett - Whitney , TX. Elementary Education. Tri-Sigma Delta (Devotional Director), Dean's List, Kappa Delta Pi. John David Barton - Henderson, TN. Bible. Cheryl Marie Bednosky - Peconi c, NY. Biology. Transfer from Abilene Chr istian College, Chi Alpha Rho (Interclub Counc il), Intercollegi a te Athl etics (cross country, track, All -AIC, All -NAIA Distri ct 17) , Kappa Delta Pi , SNEA. Margaret Virginia Bell - Monroe, LA. Elementary Education. Bradley Cole Bennett - Tyler, TX. Marketing. Transfer from Tyler Junior College, Theta Tau Delta (Treasurer, Historian), Ameri can Marketing Association, American Studies, Band (Concert, Marching) , Club Beau (Phi Delta) , Petit Jean Staff (Photographer) , Spr ing Sing House Band. James Kevin Benney - Colonial Heights, VA. Nursing. Chi Sigma Alpha (Vice President, Secretary) , American Studies, Campaigns (Scotland) , Club Beau (Regina), College Republicans, Dean's List, HSNA, HUF, Petit Jean Staff, Phi Beta Lambda (Vi ce President) , Student Impact. Brenda Lee Bergschicker - NSB, FL. Marketing. Olester O'Donald Bernard - Nassau, Bahamas. Bible. Kevin Dean Berry - Little Rock, AR. Advertising. Kappa Tau Omega (President, Devotional Director) , Alpha Epsilon Rho, College Republi cans, Intramural s (All -S tar, Sports Skills Champion), KHCA Staff, PRSSA, SA Committee (Adverti si ng, Chairman), TV-19, Leadership Scholarship. Sherry Lynn Bever - Caldwe ll , OH. Elementary Education. Douglas Eric Black - Byesville, OH. Elementary Educa tion. Yasmin Yaloa Bledsoe - Searcy, AR. Elementary Education. Tanya Kay Boatwright - Texarkana, AR. Accounting. Ka Re Ta (Secretary) , Alpha Chi (Treasurer ), American Studies, Business Team, Campus Ministry, Dean 's Li st , Delta Mu Delta (Vice President), Friends, HUF, Pi Gamma Psi, Phi Beta Lambda. 224 People for keeps